October 22, 2009

Sorry & Thank You

"Sorry" and "Thank You" are the most common words said in this universe. It is statistically proven that the Brits say approximately 12 times of "Sorry" within an hour. These words are embedded in almost every sentence. It is too often used that it has become a habit. Similarly "Thank You" has become a habit as well.
I personally think this is a good practice and Malaysians should adopt it! I seriously think that people in our country need to be educated on manners. They act bluntly and also slanderous in verbal. This hit me when I started noticing people around me do not apologize or be thankful for things that happened. It is as if for a moment, either they mouth has been sealed or they have totally forgotten the existence of those words.
For instance, last week when I was walking towards the cafeteria, a lady accidentally stepped on my foot and she did not even stop to apologize. She just walked away leisurely as if nothing had happened!! I was so furious that such an educated lady working in a MNC can't utter the simple word "Sorry" when she has done something wrong.
Another instance was today, a colleague of mine bought some delicacies to share with us in office. As soon as she arrived, she offered the steaming hot dumplings to her colleagues. They stretched their hands for the dumplings and were happily eating. After filling up their stomach, they just wiped their mouth and turned away. I was patiently waiting for the precious word but my jaw dropped when they just happily returned to their cubicle after enjoying the delicious dumpling!!
I am wondering is it that tough to blurt out these elementary words? It is actually an effortless action to be apologetic and express our gratitude. Saying "Sorry" and "Thank You" is as easy as ABC! If I can do it, so can you! So start embracing this positive habit and you'll eventually help to change the people surrounding you! =)

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