August 17, 2009

Wedding Banquet

Yes, the long awaited wedding of Mizz Em!! It was planned over almost a year & finally the day has arrived. Being a high-school & also hang-out friend of the bride, I was among one of the privileged guests to be invited to attend the 3 days event. =)

1st day - Bride's Dinner
It started off first with an interesting dinner, held by the bride's family. Apart from delicious authentic cuisine, there were ceremonies & prayers to bless the bride. It was rather a women event - aunties from near & far, sisters & cousins were there celebrating the joyous moment & singing hymns. The men were enjoying their drinks & get-together moment. The dinner ended with everyone dancing & partying away at the dance floor.

2nd day - The Cleansing Ritual
It was a day where relatives & friends gathered at the bride's home for a traditional cleansing ceremony. The bride was cleansed using yogurt & turmeric paste, all over her & to be done only by married women. The soaked yellow bride then cleaned up herself before the next ritual took place - young children feeding the bride with sweet yellow rice. Why young children? It's because this ritual should be done by virgins. Next, the guests (mostly the ladies) were having a good time during Mehndi session. Their hands were artistically painted using henna. I've got mine done as well =)

3rd day - The Wedding Day!
The auspicious day began with a grand & momentous wedding ceremony held in a temple. Mizz Em, as always stunning looking, was gorgeous in her glittering saree. By her side was the good-looking & charming groom. What a perfect couple they are! =)
On the same night, relatives & selected friends were invited to the prestigious Royal Selangor Club for dinner & dance. All the guests dressed to the nines & everyone had fun & luxuriate in it! Superb night it was!

It's a wonderful & interesting experience to witness Mizz Em's big day! Congratulations to the newly wed & God Bless! =)
So, who is next in line?! ;)

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