August 21, 2009

New Moon (初一)

Yesterday marked the New Moon of 7th month in Lunar calendar. I always have the thought of the presence of a New Moon brings negative energy. As the "yin" energy is at its peak, individual (especially the women) will be emotional & often suffers from depression! Thus, there comes the believe of being vegetarian every New Moon to ward off the negative "qi".
Well, actually based on Astrological studies, the New Moon (occurs when the sun & moon are in conjunction, occupying the same part of the sky from the viewpoint of Earth) is the time for new beginnings. This signifies the best time to plant your seeds for transformations - such as growing energy, newness, rejuvenation, growth, renewal and hope. It is a good point to make changes in your life too, for instance ending bad habits or relationships.
On a practical side, this is the time to start a new venture, initiate new business contacts, start an advertising campaign and visualize where you are headed both spiritually and emotionally.

According to studies, the energy of the moon is what guides us and is the directive force in living our true path. Working with the cycles of the moon allows us to position our creative forces in an almost serendipitous way. When working with moon energy, we draw in the energy of being in the “right” place at the “right” time.
The energy of the moon itself, also carries intuitive perception. Nowadays, intuitive perception is being used to fine-tune our life changes that we are all experiencing on the planet. Psychic and intuitive awareness are now being used to assist us in our life changes and transformations on a much deeper, internal level.

In short, whenever it's a New Moon phase, you may practice the below steps:
  • Initiate the changes or transformations for yourself
  • Allow your logical minds to focus on your life changes
  • Welcome the development of new habit or approach in you (with consistent focus)
  • Feel the changes taking place in you & acknowledge them
  • Your logical minds remind you that there was an intent to change
  • Voila! The new habit or approach begin to anchor its essence into your everyday normal life
Working with the cycles of the moon can be tremendously empowering and remove a lot of energetic resistance to manifesting your desires. Go out tonight and sing to the moon! She is simply sitting there, waiting to pour her golden light onto you. =)


Kai and Baobei said...

So... The new starting point being planned well? :)

NatEcila said...
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NatEcila said...

Of course! =)
You should define yours too!