April 28, 2010

Tears of Joy

21st April 2010, Sunny Day

"Today is a sunny day. I woke up earlier than usual and happily getting ready to school because it is my birthday today. Mummy sent my sister and I to school along with a birthday cake to share with my school friends.
My teacher put 6 candles on the cake and all my school friends sang Happy Birthday song to me. Suddenly my eyes were watery. I do not know why my eyes were watery when my friends sang loudly surrounding me. I shared the cake and party packs with my friends.
Daddy brought my family to TGI for dinner. I had my favourite chicken and chocolate ice-cream. I told daddy my eyes' problem in school. They were watery even though I did not cry as I was not sad at that time.
Daddy told me that my eyes are okay and those are not water - they are called tears! I do not really understand what are tears but I am happy that my eyes are okay."
~adapted from Gerald's diary~

After reading the above, I was intrigued by this 6 years old boy. Is he just being sentimental or is he an Indigo child? Or is it telling us that kids nowadays are able to narrate their feeling in such detailed manner? At such tender age, he is able to feel the joy and warmth around him. Isn't it a wonderful thing? =) Am wondering what other wonders will take place...

-baby photo courtesy of fotolia-

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