March 18, 2010

The Big Day

The long awaited big day of my family has finally come to an end. Well, it's not an end afterall as it is just a new beginning for a lovely couple. They are now all set to face the new phase of their life, welcoming the new journey of happiness and blessings from all.

The memorable day was witnessed by relatives and close friends. A big thank you to all as they have made the auspicious event a memorable & successful one. With the joyous laughter, delicious food and most of all the presence of far-away relatives, the bride and groom were deeply touched. They were filled with happy tears though it was a tiring day. All these memorable and heartfelt moments were captured, and yes, I am still waiting for the 'end-products'. =)

Well, a great toast to all who has sent their wishes! Also, a sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this big day of the year! =) May the new couple lives happily ever after......God Bless!


Malinder said...

Sister? Brother? Congrats to you and your family :D

NatEcila said...

My brother... =) Sister's on the way...i guess...hehehe...