October 05, 2009

Men Midlife Crisis

We've always heard of Midlife Crisis but do you really know what does it mean? Midlife crisis is of no joke. Many of us would make fun of this term & use it against people around us who are in their 30s, 40s or 50s and can last for up to 10 years. According to research, both men and women have different midlife crisis experience. Let us take a deeper understanding of men midlife crisis.
The signs of a midlife crisis in men are more than buying a fast car and working out. Though these are the signs most commonly recognized in films, televisions and books, there are other signs to look for. It is common that a man experiencing a midlife crisis is not always aware he is in the throes of one, however others can spot the signs a mile away.

Below is the listing of 8 key signs of midlife crisis in men:
  • He says life is a bore - he once liked his job and was happy at home but now expresses restlessness or apathy; a bored man wants to shake up his routine, this means anything from quitting his job to making frequent plans to paint the town red with "his boys"
  • He is thinking about (or already) having an affair - a midlife men often "turn tender" and start to focus more on people and feelings, easily drawn into an affair thinking their partner do not understand the changes in them
  • He starts to make impetuous decisions about money and/or his career - watch out if men suddenly loses interest in his career and instead splurged on unusual or expensive items such as clothing, jeweleries, gadgets, sports cars (that he always dreamed of driving)
  • He easily feels angry, irritable, restless and agitated more often than normal - midlife crisis men are simply very sensitive and emotional for no apparent reason, often uttering hurtful or senseless words to people around them
  • He makes a dramatic change in his personal style and spending lots of time in front of a mirror - midlife men begins feeling their age and freaking out about their drying out skin, falling out hair and easily ache muscles
  • He started drinking (either little or too much) often - this is one of the obvious sign; men can only quit this only when they want to, regardless of how much effort their partner has put in to make them 'stop'
  • He is overly nostalgic and constantly reminiscing about his youth or his first love - midlife men starts to ponder "what if", and they question their past decisions; he has no idea what would have really happened if he had married his first love, but he can dream about it -- and chances are, he only recalls the good parts of their relationship
  • He tends to approach younger women and has the interest of developing relationship with younger women - having low self-esteem and comparing themselves against his peers, he felt that he is a failure; thus, striking up conversations with women half their age makes them feel at ease and rather more comfortable
Well, to all the men readers, how many of the above signs have you spotted? Take note and it's never too late to get yourself out of it. As for the women readers, is your man in the journey of midlife crisis? If yes, stand by them and give them your fullest support! =)


Jar Bing said...

Oh noooo, i got 3 out of 8 already ... still can be saved ar?

NatEcila said...

Hmmmmm...that means 45%! You need to make appointment with WWT Therapist to get some support & help.

Jar Bing said...

WWT Therapist? Where is that place?

NatEcila said...

Hehhee...think again & you will know where it is! ;)