July 23, 2009


This was my vision since after lunch today. The feeling is still lingering till the moment I got into bed. I am always prone to having motion sickness, ever since schooldays till I stepped into working world.
Kinetosis a.k.a. car sickness is just one kind of motion sickness. I was suffering from this the entire afternoon after a short trip out today for lunch. We were driving on a straight road, in a cool & comfortable continental car but I was feeling dizzy & nauseated throughout the journey. How could this happen?? I was blaming the hot striking sun at first but then I realized it was the inconsistent acceleration of the automobile. The driver was accelerating & of a sudden, he retracted it - causing the passengers feeling the inertia. It became worse when the car jerked forward every 2 minutes - yes, I am not exaggerating.
I was checking out the interior of the new car to keep myself busy. Thank God I took the front passenger seat. The 2 back passengers were suffering worse than me, poor them! One of them was looking out of the window & the other was shutting his eyes! After a tough 15 minutes ride, we finally arrived & there were 3 pale looking passengers getting off the cool sporty car...

Lessons learnt:
1) Distract yourself, shut your eyes, looking out of window help in overcoming car sickness!
2) Always have an ointment or balm around you - it helps to relief dizziness (it saved our lunch at least)
3) A great sport car with a gorgeous driver MUST be equipped with excellent driving skills!

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