June 08, 2010

The difference between......

What's the difference between "To love a person for who he is" and "To love a person for what he is"? I was asked this question by a friend and it took me some time to answer. I was wondering would one actually thought of these when he or she is in love?

Well in actual fact, to love a person for who he is means - you fall in love with his character. You are attracted to his attitude, personality and most of all his true self. He is the person you can foresee to spend the rest of your life with, you look forward to spending quality moments together, his temper sweetens your relationship and ultimately his presence is an assurance to you. According to surveys, a couple will have a lasting relationship if both parties are into each other for who they really are.

In contrast to that, to love a person for what he is means - you love (or rather like?) your partner for what he has in life. You are basically attracted to the luxurious items surrounding him. For instance, you choose to be with your partner because he is well to do, drives a luxurious car, owns a decent house or just because he always uses designer goods. These are the non-living things that make you think that you are in love with him, but in actual fact, you are attracted to the external factors. Obviously, this relationship does not last. Even if one party is sincere and truthful to the other, the bond between both will not be strong.

I was skeptical initially, thinking true love only happens in romance movies. After reading several articles, I have been convinced that there are individuals out there who really fall for a person's personality.

It probably takes time for you to come across such individual, hold on to faith - if the special someone is meant to be with you, he'll cross your path in life. You might want to re-evaluate your relationship with your partner if he appreciates your penthouse but complains about your snoring! =)

~Find a partner who completes you!~

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